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Why You Should Use a Property Manager

May 17, 2020

Image by PourquoiPas from Pixabay

There are a lot of responsibilities, commitments, and labor involved with being a landlord; are you ready for the obligation? A better idea is to hire a property manager to oversee and maintain your investment property for you, providing you with more freedom and time for things that matter. Plus, this demonstrates an attentiveness to your tenants, which can be appealing to prospective renters. Don’t try to do it all. Here’s why you should hire a property manager for your rental properties:

Maintenance and Repairs

Naturally, you will need to be available as needed for repairs or issues related to the condition of the rental units; this could be infrequent or an ongoing task. If you own other properties, you know that maintaining the investment can be time-consuming and costly work; constant repairs could take up a lot more time and energy than you want to commit. Hire a property manager who makes routine checks on the property, identifying potential issues before they become expensive problems. An on-site manager helps to stay on top of things when it comes to maintaining a property for tenants.

Issues with Tenants

Speaking of tenants, another way that a property manager makes your life easier is by dealing with tenants regularly. Tenants may seek you out for issues with appliances, problems paying rent, or complaints about other residents; a property manager is a mediator and buffer that keeps things running smoothly and that maintains a sense of peace at your property. The manager will report to you, as needed, but you need not engage and intervene in tenant issues when you have a competent and responsible manager on-site. The right candidate is well worth the investment when it comes to managing your investment property. Site managers may also be the ones called upon during disputes, mediations, or any legal conflict that may impact your site, such as an eviction or similar action.

Keep Units Leased Out

All of this is moot if you are unable to fill and occupy your rental unit or property; attracting reliable tenants is another area that a property manager can assist with. A property manager may provide insight into marketing available rentals, as well as interview prospective applicants and potential tenants. These professionals can help to find the best tenants for your rental so that you are not losing money every month with an empty building or space. An on-site property manager may also seem appealing to tenants moving in as it demonstrates thought and attention to those who are living there and paying rental fees. Investing in a property manager shows that you care about your property.

As you can see, it just makes good sense to hire a property manager for your real estate investments. In addition to dealing with tenants, maintenance, and occupancy, being hands-on requires around-the-clock commitment. Hire a competent and reliable property manager to oversee and maintain your investment for you. On-site management may also serve as an attractive feature for many prospective tenants, too, so consider hiring a property manager who can live on the premises.

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A seasoned full-time real estate professional, Julie has developed her expertise over decades of experience living and working in the area she calls home. She encourages you to contact her to become your trusted real estate partner. Together, let's achieve real estate success!